I’ve been away from recipes and blog posts for the last few weeks, and for that I apologize. My wife and I have completed our surprise move to Downtown Greenville, and I’m excited for the ability to write higher quality posts with my new found surroundings. As a select few know, our original intention was to move to Charleston in June. That however, was postponed due to the most exciting news I’ve ever gotten.
Now that all of our friends and family know, the world can know, Kirstie is having a baby! I’m beyond thrilled and extremely blessed. Given this paradigm shifting news, we decided to stay in Greenville, to be close to family and friends while we transition into parenthood. This is an adventure I was never really sure I’d have, but God works in mysterious ways, and things happen in their own time. The last few years of our lives have been nearly unbearable at times with the passing of my mother and grandfather. But with this news, and with the future looking brighter than ever, I truly hope we’ve hit a turning point. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier and more optimistic than I am right now, and for that I can thank God and my amazing wife.
But that’s not the only news I have to share.
Being a chef and lover of food, I have met this new pregnancy challenge head on from a food standpoint. I’m extremely excited to announce I will be developing a cookbook for pregnancy! I figured if I had to do all this research already, I might as well write it down for others to benefit from as well. The goal is to deliver 100 pregnancy approved recipes to keep both mom and baby as happy and healthy as possible. I’ll also continue uploading recipes to my website and now that the news of the baby has been delivered, I’m sure my future blog posts will be much more interesting as well. I cant thank everyone who reached out and congratulated us enough. The love we have felt has been tremendous. We are thrilled to enter this new chapter of our lives. Let the Greenville adventures begin!